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About the Artwork

Stuart Davis (American, 1892–1964), Stele, 1956. Oil on canvas, 52 1/4 × 40 1/8 in. (132.72 × 101.92 cm). Milwaukee Art Museum, Gift of Mrs. Harry Lynde Bradley. M1963.129. Photo: Cleber Bonato. © 2024 Estate of Stuart Davis/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York.

The hard-edged, geometric shapes in flat, brilliant color here suggest the liveliness of an urban center, complete with bright lights, billboards, and shop signs. “Stele” is the term for an ancient stone monument; Stele commemorates life in a modern city and includes Stuart Davis’s signature S and X shapes, which he often used to balance and enliven his compositions. The word “Tabac” he likely included as a reference to Paris, where such shops (for cigarettes, newspapers, and the like) are numerous, and where he lived for a year.

Permanent collection label, October 2020.

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